LinkedIn — a social media platform for professionals to network online. You’ve probably heard of it, you may even have a LinkedIn account for yourself, but what about your business? If you haven’t set up a company page on LinkedIn, now’s the time!
Here’s why a LinkedIn company page should be your next online marketing step:
You’ll Build Credibility
When people look at companies to work for or want to buy a product or service from a company, a Google search is usually someone’s first step. A strong online presence from a company can make a solid first impression. Millennials generally prefer to work with digitally savvy companies over others.
This isn’t to say you have to be on every platform out there. But LinkedIn has grown in the past few years and has now become one of the more common places people search to find out more about businesses as well as for job postings.
Creating a LinkedIn company page with your logo and other important information is a great way to get your name out there. A LinkedIn page is also more conducive for sharing company and business-related updates to your followers.
You Can Showcase Your Incredible Team
When you attach your employees to your LinkedIn company page, their bios and updates will appear on your site. This helps potential customers to see the calibre of employees working for you.
It’s also an easy way to get more eyes on your page without doing a lot of other online marketing. Your employees all have their own connections and people visiting their page, so you make it easy for them to click on your site.
You Can Find New Talent
LinkedIn is designed mainly to be a networking site and is one of the first stops people make when they’re looking for a new job. So, if you happen to be on the lookout for new employees or other businesses to partner with, you can search through resumes and recommendations easily on LinkedIn.
You’ll Get Analytics On Your Posts
Unlike on personal pages, LinkedIn offers free analytics to those with business pages. Checking your analytics will help you see which types of posts are working and which aren’t. You’ll also be able to keep an eye on each post’s impressions and how many times it’s been viewed.
You’ll Know If People Are Talking About You
Similar to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, if someone mentions your company in any of their posts, they’ll be given a drop-down menu option to tag your company. You’ll then receive a notification that someone mentioned your company. And anyone who reads that person’s post can easily click the link to check out your company. If you work with many professionals or B2B, this can be a great avenue for growing your company’s brand.
Have Any Other Questions?
We understand that navigating the ever-changing social media world can be confusing. At Flynn Digital Plus, it’s what we love to do! If you have any further questions about social media or would like us to handle your digital marketing, contact us today!